Monday, January 20, 2014

Its All About Balance

Balance is what keeps the world going round. So I hear. Of course there is also money, love, faith, family, Etc....  This week balance has been a challenge. I have struggled with balancing so many issues; Work-life, frustration-understanding, tight cornering-over correction. With my typical home life being off balanced by Craig being gone all week, my world was leaning hard in one direction and it was not comfortable.

Summon the picture of Lady Justice. She holds balanced scales in her left hand. In her right hand she is holding a sword. She is blindfolded. She cannot see what is coming toward her. What will throw those scales off balance? There is always a threat and she is prepared with a sword. A women's sword in today's world can be many things; solitude, devotion, faith, anger, selfishness, community.

So many times I see women lean hard on one thing to balance themselves. Only focusing on work, on family, on appearances, on hobbies, on sports. They feel balanced that way. If you want to do well you will put in 110% effort. So what happens when you want to be good at everything you accomplish. You can only give so much of yourself before you have nothing left. This is when you should surround yourself with a cabinet of friends and family you trust, will help motivate you, support you and yes, balance you. I am not one to do things half way. That is what makes us competitive and successful right? Or is this is what causes us to burn out and loose connections with others around us.

Over the last few years I have learned the consequences of not balancing life's activities. Most of the time my lessons have come the hard way. I use to bring home work to finish. I would then spend the entire evening laminating the responsibilities I had at home because I knew at some time I had to work. I tried spending more time at work, going in earlier or having one late night per week. Then I would get comments from my kids, such as "You are never home". This takes great balance! I have finally learned that work stays at work and when at home, commit 100% to home. If it does not get done at work, address the work process.

Then there is training. Over the last few weeks, the weather has not been cooperative with outside training. Not to mention not having my partner in crime to help turn things around at home. I have been trying to use my indoor bike trainer. That has not worked. I have lacked the self motivation to push myself. I need excitement, a visual challenge. I have been trying to read articles about techniques; especially about cornering since I tend to slip. So now with race season starting, I am in the worst shape I have been in for the last year. This balancing act is not going in the right direction at this time. I am very disappointed in myself. We have some great sponsors for the Velo Vixen's this year: Over There Causal Dining, The Partnership for Families, Children, and Adults, Scott's Bicycle Center, East Ridge Bicycle's, Pacenti Cycle Design, Bike Tours Direct, Thrive Studio, The Crash Pad, Scenic City Multisport, Outdoor Chattanooga, 212 Market Restaurant, Hands on Healing, Road ID and Nuun Hydration. I need to represent our sponsors and our team with great results. I need push myself harder.

So to train harder I have to sacrifice. Sacrificing leads to getting frustrated about giving up on something. That means I am not giving everything 110%. How then to balance that frustration with understanding. I know we have all done it. We are frustrated with how something is affecting us. We then latch and transfer that frustration onto the next thing that comes along. It may be that you heard "MOM" for the 4 th time in 2 minutes, it may be that a child just ran past you in the hallway of your house, it may be that you see someone else having fun and you feel that you have no time for fun, it could be the one piece of clothing that is not in the hamper. It is that last straw. The last thing that just happened at the wrong time. Now you feel guilty for taking your frustration out on the wrong subject. Now you know you are off balance again. Darn it You used your sword to deflect but you still ended up with scales leaning toward one direction.

There are so many topics that this could be applied to: the balance of healthy food and special treats, educational material and reading for fun, cleaning the house and playing with your kids. I could go on FOREVER! Sometimes we over correct. Sometimes we just do what we know how to do. We forget about the balance and just keep going until we break. When is enough, too much? I just hope to get things back balanced for the appropriate amount of devotion to kids, family work and training. I know this may be a fantasy, but let me have it. We all have to have a dream.


  1. So enjoyed reading this Noel. You are an inspiration. Good luck in all you do!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you! I appreciate the positive feed back. Even more I appreciate the good luck!!
