Monday, January 27, 2014

Take the Challange

Why is it when I hear “that is so hard” I want to go out and accomplish that task? “How can you manage the kids, work and competition?”, “That is such a hard trail, I would never ride it!”, “Why would anyone want to do something like that?” These words make my ears perk and my mind race. Is that a challenge? It’s on! It’s like telling a child “you can’t do that.”

But this week, reality has hit. Everything in life needs to be in moderation. Too much of a good thing IS a bad thing. I have been stressing for weeks, no months about the summer schedule. Making sure everyone in the family gets to do the things they want on the weekends. I wanted to commit to the South Eastern Race Championships (SERC), Craig had races he wanted to do as well as some he wants to volunteer for, Brady wanted to play baseball with a select team, Molly and Haley wanted to do both gymnastics and soccer. We were already at 2-3 events every weekend with no family time. I was overwhelmed. Then I decided that the kids’ sports were more important and I can race a few races but did not need to commit to a large series such as the SERC. So I resigned to only doing races that fit in their schedule. I was fine with that. We could make that work.

Then Craig and I, asked Brady what he wanted to do this summer and instead of saying “play baseball” as expected, he says “I don’t know, maybe race my bike and play soccer or do tumbling.” I was taken aback. We had committed to a team. What do we do now?  Do we let him think it is okay to give up on a commitment? Do we force the issue? What kind of lesson do we want him to learn? We talked about this incessantly for several days. We agreed that we could commit to 10 tournaments over the spring to summer. Then the team schedule came out. We were not ready for that. This was one challenge we could not muster the strength to overcome. So with much regret and remorse, we resigned from the baseball team. We are now in the postmortem phase. I am sure this will be discussed by many, including us, for several days to come. I am okay with that, we have done what is right for our family. Brady is completely fine with it (which tells me how burnt out he really is). He is ready for other challenges this summer.

My race season finally started. It was not a warm, blistery start. It was 28 degrees and windy! In fact there were several times during my race that I though “why am I doing this to myself?” Then the “you are bigger than this” determination kicked in (or otherwise known as stupidity) and I kept going. We sometimes suffer to feel alive, to remind ourselves that fun does come with pain at times. Pain is only temporary; your accomplishments stay forever. After riding in four shirts, 2 pairs of longs socks, stockings, chamois, fleece lined leggings, 2 pairs of gloves, arm warmers, a neck gator, and a skull cap for two and a half hours, I was proud of myself. It did not matter how I finished, it was just the fact that I did finish, in miserable conditions.  I rode my heart out, every lap harder than the first. I wanted to show my kids that if you want something bad enough, you have to persevere through the bad to get to the good.  It’s all about balance AND moderation. Finding that sweet spot. I was proud of myself for my determination and yes, I have a gold metal to show for my efforts. Summer will have more races to come. It sounds like a lot of those races I will now have Brady in tow. I am looking forward to him riding and learning this fabulous sport with me. That is of course, if he wants to.

There are other things in my life with which I am struggling to find that sweet spot of moderation. Yet more challenges to overcome. I have been trying to cut back on the amount of TV the kids are watching. I want them to entertain themselves without the TV. It has been fun watching them play together, use their imagination and re-discover some of their toys. Unfortunately, this has not come without the increased screaming and yelling, crying and running. I think if I can get over the sensory overload, we can make this work. It is very tough for me though. I like control, I like organization, I like quite. Without the TV the kids have not adhered to any of those! I am going to stick with it! Sometimes you have to suffer the bad to get to the good.

The harder the task, the more interested I seem to be. I need those challenges; I need that sense of accomplishment. That is just me. It is how I am wired. I do not want others to suffer but I know my personal suffering can sometimes help me put the bigger picture together. If you want it, you will fight for it. A time will come when other challenges seem more attractive. Seek those out too. Life is about exploration. If the pioneers never took the risk of moving out west, our world would be very different. You take risks every day. It is balancing those risks with the benefits/rewards that count. That is the true challenge!

My challenge to you: get out there and push that envelope of comfort. Try something new. Look at Mikey, he likes it!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Its All About Balance

Balance is what keeps the world going round. So I hear. Of course there is also money, love, faith, family, Etc....  This week balance has been a challenge. I have struggled with balancing so many issues; Work-life, frustration-understanding, tight cornering-over correction. With my typical home life being off balanced by Craig being gone all week, my world was leaning hard in one direction and it was not comfortable.

Summon the picture of Lady Justice. She holds balanced scales in her left hand. In her right hand she is holding a sword. She is blindfolded. She cannot see what is coming toward her. What will throw those scales off balance? There is always a threat and she is prepared with a sword. A women's sword in today's world can be many things; solitude, devotion, faith, anger, selfishness, community.

So many times I see women lean hard on one thing to balance themselves. Only focusing on work, on family, on appearances, on hobbies, on sports. They feel balanced that way. If you want to do well you will put in 110% effort. So what happens when you want to be good at everything you accomplish. You can only give so much of yourself before you have nothing left. This is when you should surround yourself with a cabinet of friends and family you trust, will help motivate you, support you and yes, balance you. I am not one to do things half way. That is what makes us competitive and successful right? Or is this is what causes us to burn out and loose connections with others around us.

Over the last few years I have learned the consequences of not balancing life's activities. Most of the time my lessons have come the hard way. I use to bring home work to finish. I would then spend the entire evening laminating the responsibilities I had at home because I knew at some time I had to work. I tried spending more time at work, going in earlier or having one late night per week. Then I would get comments from my kids, such as "You are never home". This takes great balance! I have finally learned that work stays at work and when at home, commit 100% to home. If it does not get done at work, address the work process.

Then there is training. Over the last few weeks, the weather has not been cooperative with outside training. Not to mention not having my partner in crime to help turn things around at home. I have been trying to use my indoor bike trainer. That has not worked. I have lacked the self motivation to push myself. I need excitement, a visual challenge. I have been trying to read articles about techniques; especially about cornering since I tend to slip. So now with race season starting, I am in the worst shape I have been in for the last year. This balancing act is not going in the right direction at this time. I am very disappointed in myself. We have some great sponsors for the Velo Vixen's this year: Over There Causal Dining, The Partnership for Families, Children, and Adults, Scott's Bicycle Center, East Ridge Bicycle's, Pacenti Cycle Design, Bike Tours Direct, Thrive Studio, The Crash Pad, Scenic City Multisport, Outdoor Chattanooga, 212 Market Restaurant, Hands on Healing, Road ID and Nuun Hydration. I need to represent our sponsors and our team with great results. I need push myself harder.

So to train harder I have to sacrifice. Sacrificing leads to getting frustrated about giving up on something. That means I am not giving everything 110%. How then to balance that frustration with understanding. I know we have all done it. We are frustrated with how something is affecting us. We then latch and transfer that frustration onto the next thing that comes along. It may be that you heard "MOM" for the 4 th time in 2 minutes, it may be that a child just ran past you in the hallway of your house, it may be that you see someone else having fun and you feel that you have no time for fun, it could be the one piece of clothing that is not in the hamper. It is that last straw. The last thing that just happened at the wrong time. Now you feel guilty for taking your frustration out on the wrong subject. Now you know you are off balance again. Darn it You used your sword to deflect but you still ended up with scales leaning toward one direction.

There are so many topics that this could be applied to: the balance of healthy food and special treats, educational material and reading for fun, cleaning the house and playing with your kids. I could go on FOREVER! Sometimes we over correct. Sometimes we just do what we know how to do. We forget about the balance and just keep going until we break. When is enough, too much? I just hope to get things back balanced for the appropriate amount of devotion to kids, family work and training. I know this may be a fantasy, but let me have it. We all have to have a dream.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

First Race of the Year

Ready, Set, Gggggg…….Just Kidding, Girl Sit Back Down
I know I heard the starting gun go off?!  Right? I made arrangements for the kids, I painstakingly used my indoor trainer due to poor weather and poor trail conditions. I ate my dark greens, protein and carbohydrates. I hydrated the day before. Took my bike to Scott’s Bicycle Center to have it tuned up (not only did they tune it, they also cleaned it for me!), got some spare parts from East Ridge Bicycles. I had my gear bag packed and my dad had graciously volunteered to help me as a pit crew member.  Everything was ready and set in place. But … (you knew there was a “but” coming didn't you)… the race was canceled.
I can’t say if felt physically ready for the race. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise (you see what I did, made the negative into a positive; this is what I want my kids to learn). I now have time to get more training in before the next 3 hour race in 2 weeks. The other bonus is more family time.  The kids have been so good this week and deserve some special time. We headed to my parents’ house in Athens, GA, survived the torrential rains, played Monopoly, Uno, took a walk and went to the movies.
Next week starts a whole new set of challenges for this biker. Not only will I need to let the trails recover from the freeze/thaw conditions and rain from this week, I will also be single parenting as Craig goes on one of his long work trips. I am so glad to have friends that understand the struggles of raising kids with no other family in the same town to help with the daily needs. I also have a great mom who can come up from 3 hours away to help for a few days when needed.  This will be first full week of full on activities since the year started: baseball, boy scouts, daisy scouts, gymnastics, work and somewhere fit in some training for the next race.
Of course this brings on the biggest struggle of why do I work and not stay home with the kids. Oh, yeah, I remember, I am not the stay at home type. That still does not help comfort me when the kids ask why I have to go to work. Or help when I am struggling to get to school before aftercare ends. This is the daily race I am never prepared for. This is the juggling ball that I feel I am always struggling to keep in the air. Yet it is the most important one. So yes, I did hear the race gun go off for the first time this year. Only it was not for the bike race. It was for the start of this year’s mother’s triathlon. Family, Work and Health!

Go home and hug your loved ones. Then don’t let go of their hand and drag them outside! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Setting Up for the New Year

As Chattanooga starts the process of hosting an Iron Man Triathlon, I cannot help think about all the mothers who run a triathlon everyday. Work, family health. Whether a women works in or outside the home she has three balls (or more) in the air at all times. I am no exception. I juggle work, family and mountain bike racing.

See, I feel very passionate about women not only having time for themselves but also being a role model of health for their children. I have found this balance with participating in mountain biking through a wonderful all sports club for women: The Velo Vixens. Last year I started racing on the Velo Vixen team. Through my participation, I have noted the excitement that my three kids have latched onto by seeing their parents compete as well as be physically active.

That is the type of example I would love for more women to set for the youth. You do not have to have children to go forth and excite children about being active. No matter your level of participation in a sport, you can change a child's life by reaching out to help him/her realize the same excitement you experience. This year, I will work on this by not only encouraging my kids to ride their bikes more but also through helping the Velo Vixens sponsor a local youth mountain bike race series.

So, as I prepare for the new year of 2014, I am balancing my children's sports schedule, my race schedule, my work schedule and most importantly family time. This is already daunting but necessary. Throughout this year I hope to be able to give some insight into how this mother's triathlon progresses. School for the kids starts back tomorrow, winter baseball training starts and Gymnastics is back in full swing. Of course I am not doing this alone. My partner and co-pit crew member is also a supportive, active member of this team.

Go out and inspire!